We want to say THANK YOU! This year's carnival was another successful event; that was 100% due to all of those that supported us during the event!
This event is the largest fundraising event hosted by the Fire Company and it allows us to raise funds for various equipment used at the fire station to support our operations and protect our community. We have so many thank-yous to say: to each and every one of the patrons that came out over the 4 days to show your support; to our vendors who paid to be part of this event; to our sponsors who helped us off-set the expenses associated with this event; to Penn Valley Shows for their continued working relationship (especially for bringing the best rides, including the new ride "The Beast"); and to the food vendors who made sure that all of the patrons had great food options.
A special shout out to Square Mile, Black Olive and Mac Stack for donating food for our members volunteering at the carnival. In addition, thank you Hurricane for providing discount pizzas for the volunteers.
We also would like to thank the members of LCBC who supported us Saturday with parking during their PA Impact event, your assistance was invaluable and we would not have been able to do it without you. Thank you to the MYAA for their support at various times throughout the event with parking and cleaning up.
A huge thank you to the Community Services Foundation for their continued support. They are the ones that oversee all park operations at Froelich Park; they also allow the fire company to use the entire park for the event, which ensures we are able to have a great event with ample space for parking, rides, games, food, and crafts.
We would also be remiss if we did not give a shout out to the Columbia Borough Fire Department and West Hempfield Fire & Rescue for their fire police divisions for helping to safely manage traffic entering from and exiting onto Main Street. To the West Hempfield Police Department, we want to thank you for making sure that we had a safe and family friendly event.
To the members of the Mountville Fire Company No 1, and the Carnival Committee, a HUGE thank you for your heart of service. This past week our first responders and their families have donated 100's of hours of volunteer service to set up the carnival, park cars, empty trash cans, clean up trash, assist guests, tear down, clean up and so much more! Their countless hours of volunteer service is commendable and we so appreciate you!
Lastly, we want to say a thank you to K Marketing Co. Planning an event of this magnitude is getting harder and harder for our volunteers to accomplish on their own, so this year the Fire Company decided to contract with K Marketing Co to manage the event. They smoothly and flawlessly handled all of the prep work that goes into the event, such as working with our vendors, helping to make contact with our sponsors and marketing the event. This in itself was a very large burden off of the shoulders of the fire company. We are grateful for all of their behind-the-scenes hard work.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our organization, please check out our website at Mountvillefire.com or if you are not from Mountville but are from the surrounding area, please check out jointhefd.com to see if your organization is involved in our joint recruitment program.
Be sure to save the dates for 2025: Wednesday May 14 through Saturday May 17, 2025.
If you have any suggestions on how we can make this event even better, please reach out to mountvilledays@mountvillefire.com and we would love to hear from you!
-Bryan Duquin, Carnival Committee Chair and the Entire Mountville Carnival Committee
