For immediate release
First responders plan multi-agency Training Exercise in April
The Mountville Fire Company and West Hempfield Township Police Department in
cooperation with several other local and county organizations are planning a joint
exercise to train first responders on handling various elements of an Emergency. The
event will take place on April 3rd from 5:30-10pm at Field of Screams.
This rain or shine event will allow responders the chance to train for a threat scenario in
a realistic way by encountering a crowded venue with lots of distractions and possible
complicated terrain.
Residents in the surrounding area can expect to hear sirens, loud noises, and possibly
see heavily armed responders staging in the area of the Mountville Elementary School,
Mountville Community Center, Field of Screams and the surrounding area while they
take turns responding to the mock scenario at the Field of Screams complex.
Spring Street will also be closed for the training that is expected to begin at 5:30pm and run until 10pm.
Any questions related to this event can be directed to the Public Information office of West Hempfield Township Police Department by contacting Corporal Ryan Mckernan at or the Mountville Fire Company’s Public Information Officer Peter Taraborelli at
